Deposit Secured Loans

Loans Secured by Savings

Use your savings account, Command Fund, share certificate or Premium Plus as collateral to borrow the money you need, and spread your payments out over a flexible repayment period.

Deposit Secured Rates (Effective 3/1/2025 – Until Further Notice)

Share Loans Rates

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is calculated at 2.50% above dividend rate paid on the Share account. (Loans secured by Shares are variable rate loans and may increase or decrease as often as monthly after the loan origination date). Terms are 12 months per $1,000.00 borrowed with a maximum of 144 months.

Premium Plus Loans Rates

The APR is calculated at 2.50% above the dividend rate paid on the $10,000.00 to $24,999.99 tier of the Premium Plus account, regardless of daily balance in the Premium Plus account. (Loans secured by Premium Plus accounts are variable rate loans and may increase or decrease as often as monthly after the loan origination date.) Terms are 12 months per $1,000.00 borrowed with a maximum of 144 months.

Command Fund Loans Rates

The APR is calculated at 2.50% above the dividend rate paid on the $2,000.00 and above tier of the Command Fund account, regardless of daily balance in the Command Fund account. (Loans secured by Command Fund accounts are variable rate loans and may increase or decrease as often as monthly after the loan origination date.) Terms are 12 months per $1,000.00 borrowed with a maximum of 144 months.

Certificate Loans Rates

The APR is calculated at 2.50% above the rate paid on the certificate for the loan term. (Loans secured by Certificates are fixed rate loans.) Terms are 12 months per $1,000.00 borrowed with a maximum of 144 months.