Choices to Maximize Your Landscape Dollars

lady gardeningIf spring weather has you yearning to make your yard more appealing and functional, these suggestions from landscaping experts may save you some money.

Should you use a landscape professional or do it yourself?

Many gardeners have the knowledge and experience to develop their own plan for landscaping their property and find great pleasure in doing so. If, however, you want a beautiful, functional yard, but don’t quite know how to get started, a professional can help save you money by designing a plan that works for your yard and your lifestyle.

A professional can help you choose trees, shrubs and plants that will bloom when you want them to, look good together and flourish in your environment. An expert’s knowledge of disease and insects can help you avoid plants that develop and carry aphids, scale, mealy bugs, etc., thus eliminating the need to spray toxic chemicals on your yard.

On the other hand, if you love the outdoors and don’t mind doing a little research, you may be able to develop your own plan, even if you aren’t an expert yourself.

Avoid these costly mistakes, experts say

One of the most common mistakes named by landscapers is planting trees and shrubs too close together or too close to a building. Know the maximum size of the plant you are installing, and allow that much space for growth. To avoid the empty look for the present, fill in with temporary flowers or plants.

Another tendency the experts warn against is purchasing plants on impulse and then trying to figure out where they will fit in your yard. Instead, have a plan before you ever make your first purchase.
