Cherjuan and Roderick: “TFCU has been pivotal in our life.”

Cherjuan and Roderick Goodman know how to juggle to make life work for themselves and their family. The two married in 2016, and together they have five children—four adults and one teenager. Attending school, working full time, raising kids, plus having some fun along the way—this is their story.

Before meeting Roderick, Cherjuan purchased a house as a single mom with the coaching of Tinker Federal Credit Union. “They took their time with me and explained the process and how to get started. That was pivotal in me buying a home as a single mom at that time.”

Always up for a challenge, Cherjuan also worked full time as a hair stylist while going to school to earn her master’s degree to become a licensed therapist. “She’s incredible. Very, very, very intelligent. I’m proud of her and what she’s done from her associate’s degree to her master’s degree,” said Roderick.

Now, Cherjuan’s working to build their teenage daughter’s knowledge in money management. “I’m teaching her about finances, and TFCU helps with that with programs like Balance,” said Cherjuan. “She wants to get a job when she’s 16, so we opened up a TFCU checking account to add to her savings account.”

While hard work is important, so is playtime for the Goodman family. Roderick and Cherjuan love to go camping at state and national parks. Also, big family gatherings at home, complete with Roderick spinning the tunes, are a must. “I call him ‘DJ Smooth Groove’ when he brings out the music,” laughed Cherjuan.

Roderick’s love of music is not the only thing that Cherjuan appreciates about her husband. “Roderick is a humble person. He’s a hard worker and dedicated to our family,” Cherjuan shared.

Together Cherjuan and Roderick know they can count on each other. They also know they can count on TFCU. “They got my back in banking,” said Cherjuan. “When they say, ‘We Get It,’ they get exactly what you need and they’re going to try to provide that to you.”
