2024 TFCU storm shelter payoff winner from Lexington, OK

Deborah Jones from Lexington, OK, is the lucky winner of TFCU’s storm shelter loan payoff, totaling $4,264. “My husband Ken and I just bought a house not that long ago in Lexington and one of the first things we did was look into getting a storm shelter,” said Deborah.

“We heard TFCU was a great place to finance our storm shelter purchase and it was a piece of cake,” said Deborah. “I couldn’t quite believe that we won the payoff. It was fantastic!”

Deborah, who works in sales in both Oklahoma and Kansas, is no stranger to the importance of being weather prepared. “From growing up in Missouri and experiencing a historic tornado in Ruskin Heights to now living and working in tornado alley, I’ve seen plenty of big storms in my life,” Deborah explained.

“It’s great peace of mind to know I’ve got the shelter,” said Deborah. “We keep it clean and stocked and it has plenty of room for family when they come to visit – so no one has to draw straws for who gets to go down in the shelter!”

Tinker Federal Credit Union loves helping members like Deborah feel safe and secure for herself and her family. You too can be prepared for Oklahoma’s storm season with a TFCU storm shelter loan.

Learn more ways TFCU gives back to members every day and all year long at Tinkerfcu.org/tfcu-give-back.
